How to Set up your own Alternative Provision or Independent School

If you already run a scheme or business providing a service for children or young people, you may be closer to opening an Alternative Provision, or even your own Independent School, than you think. 

Becoming an alternative provision or specialist independent school is a great way to take your organisation to the next level whilst providing a desperately needed service supporting children and young people in your area.

We are here to guide you through every step to becoming an Alternative Provision or Specialist Independent School. Our expert service includes:

  • Free, no obligation, consultation.
  • Policy Writing.
  • DBS Services.
  • Premises & Regulations Checking.
  • Curriculum and Assessment Planning.
  • Access to Qualification Centre (GCSE, NVQ, BTEC).
  • Ongoing Support and Advice.
  • And much more …

We don’t have sales people and will offer only honest, helpful advice. Book a free consultation today to speak to our friendly team who can help guide you to become an alternative provision or independent school.

How to become an Alternative Provision Or Independent School

Alternative provisions and specialist independent schools are becoming an increasingly important part of the education system.

There are a number of factors that can lead to a young person not being able to thrive in mainstream education – often due to social, emotional or mental health issues, or special educational needs or disabilities. 

It is in these cases where alternative provisions and specialist independent schools can step in and make a positive impact on a young person’s life chances.

What is an alternative Provision?

Essentially, an alternative provision is anywhere that a child or young person can attend other than mainstream school. Alternative provision providers offer places to schools or local authorities for children at risk of not attending school, in return for  a fee. 

Often an alternative provision will be based around a particular skill, vocation or interest. Alternative provisions we have previously worked with include sports, animal care, hair and beauty and environmental provisions. 

Currently, there is no requirement for alternative provisions to meet OFSTED requirements, however, thought needs to be given to how young people will be educated and what qualifications they will leave your provision with and there are certain criteria you need to meet.

However, if you think that your organisation could offer an alternative provision, the leap could be quite simple – particularly if you already run a scheme working with young people!

Independent Schools MUST be inspected and regulated by OFSTED and our team can help to get you to the stage where you are ready for inspection and support you throughout your first year.